Doctoral Students
- Name: Ms. Hanan Hiba
- Thesis topic: Designing Optimal Artificial Neural Netwroks
- Date: Sept. 2015 - present (full-time)
- Institute: UOIT
- Name: Mr. Khaled Ahsan Talukder (co-supervision)
- Thesis topic: Opposition-based Many-objective Optimization
- Date: Sept. 2014 - present (full-time)
- Institute: ECE, Michigan State University, MI, USA
- Name: Mr. Robert Zadeh (co-supervision)
- Thesis topic: Sensor Fusion in Autonomous Cars
- Date: Sept. 2013 - Dec. 2014 (part-time)
- Institute: UOIT
- Name: Ms. Sedigeh Mahdavi (co-supervision)
- Thesis topic: Co-evolutionary Co-operative Large-Scale Optimization
- Date: Dec. 2012 - present (full-time)
- Institute: Amirkabir University of Technology
- Name: Mr. Amin Ibrahim (co-supervision)
- Thesis topic: Merit-based Evolutionary Algorithms to Solve Multi-objective Optimization Problems Efficiently
- Date: Sept. 2012 - present (part-time)
- Institute: UOIT
- Name: Mr. Saaed Mehdizadeh-Bakshmand (co-supervision)
- Thesis topic: Vision-Based Control of Catheter in Heart Invasive Surgery
- Date: Jan. - Sept. 2012
- Institute: Ryerson University
- Name: Dr. Farid Bourennani (co-supervision)
- Thesis topic: Leadership-Based Multi-Objective Optimization with Applications in Energy Systems
- Date: Sept. 2009 - Dec. 2013 (graduated)
- Institute: UOIT
- Name: Dr. Fares S. Al-Qunaieer (co-supervision)
- Thesis topic: Automated Resolution Selection for Image Segmentation
- Date: Sept. 2009 - Jan. 2014 (graduated)
- Institute: University of Waterloo
- Name: Dr. Hui Wang (unofficial co-supervision)
- Thesis topic: Accelerating of Population-based Algorithms Using Opposition based Schemes
- Date: Sept. 2008 - May 2011 (graduated, lecturer in School of Information Engineering, Nanchang Institute of Technology, China)
- Institute: Wuhan University, Wuhan, China